The Poems
hen I needed a break from my other creative outlets, I would load a piece of paper into my old typewriter and type out some poetry. I find writing poetry helps give my ideas, thoughts, and emotions a closer examination while also reorientating my reasons for being creative. Not all, but most of the poetry written during the residency was meditation about where my personal motivations and hope for the future come from.

The Meditation
This hope comes from my belief that God is the creator and owner of the breath of life, and through His son Jesus Christ this same breath of life is offered to us as a gift to become part of the new, the final, and the undistracted eternal creation.
If you are curious about Christianity and its message, pick up a free bible at thrift store and read Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. All are personal accounts of who Jesus was and is.

The Book

This collection of poetry is only available in self-published book form. Made when ordered, this collection of poetry will be hand-bound, signed and numbered by the artist. The collection of poetry is first draft and unedited.

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